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Belgium acquires 23 office buildings from European Commission for European Quarter transformation

Belgium acquires 23 office buildings from European Commission for European Quarter transformation Belgium acquires 23 office buildings from European Commission for European Quarter transformation
  The Belgian government has struck a deal to purchase 23 office buildings from the European Commission, marking a significant step toward...

European Parliament approves revised national budget rules

European Parliament approves revised national budget rules European Parliament approves revised national budget rules
On Tuesday in Strasbourg, the European Parliament gave its approval to the new framework governing national budgets of member states.

The European Commission issues recommendations to enhance child protection from violence

The European Commission issues recommendations to enhance child protection from violence The European Commission issues recommendations to enhance child protection from violence
  In line with the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, the European Commission has unveiled a Recommendation aimed at fortifying integrated...

Nearly 100 texts up for vote at European Parliament's final plenary session

Nearly 100 texts up for vote at European Parliament's final plenary session Nearly 100 texts up for vote at European Parliament's final plenary session
This week in Strasbourg, the European Parliament's final plenary session of the ninth legislature will see a total of 89 legislative bills...

71% of EU citizens plan to vote in June elections

71% of EU citizens plan to vote in June elections 71% of EU citizens plan to vote in June elections
The latest Eurobarometer reveals a heightened awareness among EU citizens regarding the significance of the upcoming elections amidst escalating...

Swiss Universities explore new democratic models with Citizen Council experiment

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  Switzerland's Universities of Zurich and Geneva are embarking on a pioneering initiative called the 'Citizen Council 2025' project starting...

Western nations shine spotlight on Sudan's "forgotten crisis"

Western nations shine spotlight on Sudan's "forgotten crisis" Western nations shine spotlight on Sudan's "forgotten crisis"
  France is taking the lead by hosting a conference in Paris on Monday to shed light on the ongoing "forgotten crisis" in Sudan, which...

Europe Between Two Wars: EU foreign policy in 2023

Europe Between Two Wars: EU foreign policy in 2023 Europe Between Two Wars: EU foreign policy in 2023
  Josep Borrell Fontelles, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission,...

European Parliament gives green light to controversial migration pact

European Parliament gives green light to controversial migration pact European Parliament gives green light to controversial migration pact
  On Wednesday, the European Parliament voted in favor of the migration pact, marking a significant milestone in EU migration policy. The...

North Sea nations unite to counter Russian threats

North Sea nations unite to counter Russian threats North Sea nations unite to counter Russian threats
  Belgium, along with five other countries, is taking steps to enhance the security of cables, pipelines, and energy installations in the...

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Belgium acquires 23 office buildings from European Commission for European Quarter transformation

Belgium acquires 23 office buildings from European Commission for European Quarter transformation Belgium acquires 23 office buildings from European Commission for European Quarter transformation
  The Belgian government has struck a deal to purchase 23 office buildings from the European Commission, marking a significant step toward...

European Parliament approves revised national budget rules

European Parliament approves revised national budget rules European Parliament approves revised national budget rules
On Tuesday in Strasbourg, the European Parliament gave its approval to the new framework governing national budgets of member states.

The European Commission issues recommendations to enhance child protection from violence

The European Commission issues recommendations to enhance child protection from violence The European Commission issues recommendations to enhance child protection from violence
  In line with the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, the European Commission has unveiled a Recommendation aimed at fortifying integrated...

Nearly 100 texts up for vote at European Parliament's final plenary session

Nearly 100 texts up for vote at European Parliament's final plenary session Nearly 100 texts up for vote at European Parliament's final plenary session
This week in Strasbourg, the European Parliament's final plenary session of the ninth legislature will see a total of 89 legislative bills...

71% of EU citizens plan to vote in June elections

71% of EU citizens plan to vote in June elections 71% of EU citizens plan to vote in June elections
The latest Eurobarometer reveals a heightened awareness among EU citizens regarding the significance of the upcoming elections amidst escalating...

Swiss Universities explore new democratic models with Citizen Council experiment

Swiss Universities explore new democratic models with Citizen Council experiment Swiss Universities explore new democratic models with Citizen Council experiment
  Switzerland's Universities of Zurich and Geneva are embarking on a pioneering initiative called the 'Citizen Council 2025' project starting...

Western nations shine spotlight on Sudan's "forgotten crisis"

Western nations shine spotlight on Sudan's "forgotten crisis" Western nations shine spotlight on Sudan's "forgotten crisis"
  France is taking the lead by hosting a conference in Paris on Monday to shed light on the ongoing "forgotten crisis" in Sudan, which...

Europe Between Two Wars: EU foreign policy in 2023

Europe Between Two Wars: EU foreign policy in 2023 Europe Between Two Wars: EU foreign policy in 2023
  Josep Borrell Fontelles, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission,...

European Parliament gives green light to controversial migration pact

European Parliament gives green light to controversial migration pact European Parliament gives green light to controversial migration pact
  On Wednesday, the European Parliament voted in favor of the migration pact, marking a significant milestone in EU migration policy. The...

North Sea nations unite to counter Russian threats

North Sea nations unite to counter Russian threats North Sea nations unite to counter Russian threats
  Belgium, along with five other countries, is taking steps to enhance the security of cables, pipelines, and energy installations in the...

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According to a report by NewsGuard, approximately 20% of news-related videos on TikTok contain misinformation. This alarming finding raises questions about the credibility and

accuracy of the news content circulated on the platform. As misinformation can distort public perception and influence decision-making, the prevalence of false or misleading information on TikTok could have severe implications for European democracy.

According to the latest news consumption report by Ofcom, TikTok has become a major and growing source of news for 10% of UK adults. Surprisingly, this figure matches the proportion of UK adults who rely on The Guardian for their news, and it surpasses the numbers for BBC Radio 1 and Channel 5.

The increasing popularity of social apps, including TikTok, as sources of news among teenagers and young adults is not surprising. This shift in news consumption habits poses a significant concern for those who prioritize supporting high-quality news organizations and the fundamental principles of democracy. As younger generations turn to social media for news, there is a risk of them being exposed to biased or sensationalized content that may not uphold the same journalistic standards as traditional media outlets.

The platform's format, characterized by short videos and user-generated content, can lead to simplified or oversimplified news coverage. This can affect the depth of understanding and context that users gain on important societal issues, potentially leading to misinformed opinions and decisions.

TikTok's algorithm-driven content curation may inadvertently contribute to the spread of misinformation. Users may be exposed to content that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs, creating echo chambers that reinforce biases and foster division within society.

A healthy democracy depends on the availability of accurate and trustworthy information. The growing reliance on TikTok for news consumption, coupled with the presence of misinformation, could erode public trust in credible news sources, ultimately weakening the democratic foundation.

The younger generation's inclination towards TikTok as a news source may also impact their participation in democratic processes. If the information they receive is skewed or unreliable, it could hinder their ability to make well-informed decisions as responsible citizens.

While TikTok's rise as a news source among younger audiences is not surprising, the presence of misinformation on the platform and its potential influence on European democracy should not be underestimated. NewsGuard's report underscores the need for critical media literacy and robust fact-checking measures to combat the spread of false information. Additionally, fostering a healthy news environment that upholds journalistic integrity and credibility is essential in safeguarding the democratic values cherished by European societies. As TikTok continues to shape the news consumption landscape, it is crucial to address the challenges it poses and work towards preserving the tenets of a strong and informed democracy.
